Designer Web Graphics – Using Internet Graphics For Best Conversion

Designer web graphics that are beautiful, efficient, and fast-loading don’t happen by chance. A skill that blends natural visual talent with knowledge of web design functionality and graphic styling is what makes for successful Internet imagery. Effective web design brings together knowledge and show-how.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor’s 2012 Occupational Outlook, graphic designers earn an average of $21.22 per hour (1). An entry-level education level is defined as a bachelor’s degree. The 2012 total number of graphic design jobs was 259,000. The majority of graphic designers work for specialized design agencies like:


  • Advertising
  • Public relations
  • Publishing


Website Graphics Optimized To Improve Web Performance

Graphics website designs are beautiful, interactive displays of color and imagery when done right. The artist’s skill is only half of what makes them so successful. However, successful web imagery does not begin with color blending and vision. Your website will load faster if you have optimized web graphics.

The server takes up less space for optimized designer web graphics. They load much faster than regular images. They stimulate imagination. In the end, they help you reach your business goals. It isn’t easy or simple. You need to be an expert in web design.

Graphic optimization involves three main processes:


  1. Reduced physical size
  2. Reduplication of the displayed colors
  3. Reduced dots per inch which define image resolution


Web designers with experience in website graphics know how to apply the principles and methodologies of each process. Expert graphic designers are skilled at creating and editing images, as well as custom graphics.

Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Information Technology Division has established a maximum size for web images of 150KB (2). The Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Information Technology Division advises website designers to limit gray-scale images whenever possible. Most websites now use extended color graphics because of the speed of Internet connections.

The following tips can help designers decrease image load times:


  • Thumbnail Link – Gray-scale thumbnails are used as links to full-size, full-color images. This saves your visitor from paying the high download costs of images that don’t peak their interest.
  • Main Image Size: Limiting large images at 400-500 pixies speeds up loading speed and reduces screen scrolling
  • Thumbnail descriptions – The thumbnail captions should include the file size of the main image so that the visitor can get an idea about loading time
  • Captions – Use captions to explain what the viewer is looking at in an image.


How to Find Amazing Website Graphics

Website design with graphics can be done in many different ways. Some designers can find and modify free images. Some web graphic designers create custom artwork for each image. These two methods make for the most efficient web design team.

Free Images

Warning: Not all free web images are truly free. Use caution when searching. Many photographers and artists will freely share their images. Many offer free use and require nothing in return. Others ask for a link to their original share site. Be sure to fully understand the copyright notice regarding shared website graphics. Respect the rights and freedoms of artists.

Images for custom websites

Even though many web designers are skilled at reworking images, custom graphics look best when created by skilled Internet artists. It is rare that anyone has the talent to create designer web graphics.